Sunday 30 November 2014

Child Labour problem continues to haunt!

Today, I found these two young kids Sunil and Kishan at one of the posh market Cannaught Place, Delhi insisting to allow them to polish shoes. While talking to them I realized they are the sole bread earner of their family. It touched me so much, I guess their age is not more than 9 years and they are forced to sacrifice their childhood in such a pitiable situation.  

While India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world, and an IT giant that we boast always – we have such scenario exists that too many kids are forced to work for livelihood at such a young age, creating India a country with highest number of Child labour in the world.  Instead of having books in their hands they are forced to polish shoes to feed their family members.  Think; is it not the dagger of India’s soul?