Wednesday 22 April 2020

India with 1.30- 1.40 Bn population mostly unskilled, are we sitting on BIG problem?
When you see so many videos with thousands people moving here and there aimlessly on road what comes to your mind?
Do they have some work to do?
Do they have some skill which is useful to country and can they be productive force?
Do our country need so much of large population today?
Will these large population that we feel happy at time will be of any value for tomorrow?
What they will be doing in future except consuming resources and being burden on country .....just think......
Do we need more people for farming? Tractors & large farming equipment can do so much easily the work of thousands labourers. I think we don't need so many people for farming, this is the reason millions of people from rural places have migrated to urban cities in search of the petty jobs.
Jobs in cities are also shrinking due to automation, digitalisation and more so in future by artificial intelligence which will consume opportunities of many more jobs at faster rate - lot of jobs will further shrink. Imagine the situation in coming times - very few jobs in cities, very low earning opportunities in rural areas and very large number of population around 1.30-140 BN people and growing at faster rate. They all need food to eat, they all need medical facilities, and other things of consumption. On the fringe site - even we need more jails to accommodate many violators, more courts, more judges to settle disputes - these are all the cost and burden on country on every place from maintaining law & order to medical facilities and to food, everything that we can think at this time....
What these unskilled people will do? There number continued to increase as these poor knows not much, but yes they know well how to produce more, how to add new illiterate population, and how to make the situation more complex - the work done in best way by most of them. Let us anyone has answer ..?
We need to contain / flatten this population blast sooner than we think- I see people listen to our leadership and if they focus and appeal to these people to reduce further blast of population, we can bring some productive changes fast in next 20 Years in our country. We need more population which is educated, skilled, can be self sustaining and not burden on our country.
Lets convince our decision making authorities / our government / our politicians both in power as well in opposition - to initiate some NOBEL SCHEMEs to give incentives-to-the- family-who-has-only-one-child-either-a-girl-or-a-boy. This means right from the beginning the first child is born, education, skill training of high standard, marriage and even livelihood will be supported by the government.... or some fixed financial support. This will be the positive incentive to not produce 2nd, child - you see from now in next 20 Years every child will be educated, skilled and will do positive contribution to India as he / she will completely own her. Equally there must be serious discouragement if any one has 2nd child - parents all rights should be taken away including voting rights / cut in salary / high taxes etc. - so this balancing act could be possible solution to control current grave situation.
I look forward to expand this thoughts so that we really see shining India in next 20 YEARS....with educated and prosperous population rather then helpless crowd that we often see.
See Happy!
Siddharth Paramhans

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